A friend recently alerted me to this video purporting to describe the proper way of making éclairs: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-chocolate-eclairs
Note the ingredients for "pastry cream." Cream and sugar. That's it. I shall have to fly to Britain to maim these philistines at the next opportunity. Not only do they attempt to purpetuate the idiocy of filling éclairs with whipped cream... No, such a crime is too minor for these fiends. Instead they have the gall, the sheer effrontery, the abysmal lack of taste and common human decency actually to attempt to promulgate the notion that whipped cream is somehow the same as pastry cream.
I beg you, friends in fair Albion! Find these monsters and destroy them before it is too late!
And see my earlier post describing the proper way to make éclairs.